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Exquisite Lace - Portobello

Exquisite Lace - Portobello


Ein luxuriöses Lacegarn aus 80% Falkland Wolle und 20% Maulbeerseide, wunderbar weich und mit einem schönen Glanz.


800m / 100gr

80% Falkland Wolle

20% Maulbeerseide

Handwäsche 30%

Nadel 2,75


32 Maschen / 40 Reihen


Exquisite contains 80% of the finest Falkland Island Wool and 20% Mulberry Silk. Falkland Wool is one of the world’s purest fleeces and perfectly complements the Mulberry Silk which is the highest quality silk available for purchase. The finished result is one of the most luxurious lace yarns on the market. 


800m / 875yds

80% Falkland Wool

20% Mulberry Silk

Handwash 30°

Reshape whilst Damp

2.75mm US2

40Rows 32sts

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